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Sur les Pas de Saint Jacques


“It is both a mission and an honour for me to a welcomer along the Route, having been welcomed myself...”

Daniel & Jocelyne

“We frequently have extraordinary encounters with the pilgrims on the Route of Santiago de Compostela, and we are both witnesses…


“I am happy and delighted to welcome all the pilgrims and walkers who stop off at our guesthouse and who…


“Meeting pilgrims enables us to travel all over the world and to share so much...”


“There are certain thresholds where keys to a paradise are given and where each person is the only pilgrim. Beyond…


“The Route is a source of wealth, a window to the world...”

Anne & Patrick

“Remembering our own Walk to Santiago de Compostela, our priority is welcoming pilgrims. We encounter and share with people for…


“We love receiving postcards from customers who remember us 1,200 kms further on! Itʼs nice to form a part of…

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